Rubber Bung Processor Cum Steam Sterilizer

The Process Of Bung Processing Are Loading,Washing With Detergrnt,D.M. Water & W.F.I. Water Rinsing, Siliconization, Sterilization And Drying.


The Loaded Bungs Are Washed With Detergent Solution Via A Fully Automatic Detergent Dozing System With Online Conductivity Sensor To Add The Required Amount Of Detergent In The Sterilizer During The Cycle.


The Washed Bungs Are Rinsed With Deionized Water And W fiwater And The Quality Of W fiwater At Outlet Will Be Checked Automatically To Ensure The Proper Washing Of The Bungs.


After Cleaning Closures Are Siliconized Using A Sillcone Emulsion Or Oil.Siliconization Of Closures Is Necessary To Prevent The Release Of Plasticizers And Other Coumpound Added During The Coumpounding Of Elastomeric Closures, To Prevent Any Reaction Between The Closures And The Medication Stored Or To Ensure Smooth Operation Of The Machines Used For Bunging.


In Sterilization The Closures Are Sterilized With Steam. A Pre- Vaccum Precess Is Employed To Ensure Effective Removal Of Air And Penetration Of Steam.


After Sterilization The Closures Are Dried Using A Vaccum Drying Process. The Drying Efficiency Is Furter Improved By The Continuous Rotation Of The Closures. Processensures Bone Dry Closures On Unloading.


  • HPHV Cycle
  • Fast Exhaust Cycle
  • Slow Exhaust Cycle
  • Chamber Dick Test Cycle
  • Bowie Dick Test Cycle
  • Rubber Stopper Washing & Sterilization cycle
  • Dimple Stem Jacket For Uniform Heat Distribution.
  • In-Situation Filter Sterilization Cycle.
  • Inflatable Door Gasket For Sliding Door.
  • Online Cond. Sensor For Bung Washing.